Dr. Advanced Shipping

Distance Calculation Using Google Maps Setup with Dr. Advanced Shipping Shopify App


In this this article you will learn:

How to setup Google Maps integration

Difference between Distance Calculation Modes

How to use distance calculation in conditions

How to use distance calculation in calculations

How to Setup Google Maps Integration

The first step in using our Distance Calculation features is to set up a Google Maps API account.

Integration with Google Maps allows you to utilize functionalities in our system that require calculating the distance between the sender and the receiver. These include, for example, calculating the shipping rate incrementally based on distance, or displaying a given shipping rate only when the distance between the sender and the receiver is less than a specified threshold.

Once you have a Google Maps API account, you need to set up a Google project or select a project to use with our app.

Here’s how:

1. Go to Google Developer Console and login to your Google account or create a new Google account if you don’t have one yet. Once you are logged in, create a new project or use an existing one.
Google project

2. Using the search bar, search for “Distance Matrix API”, and select this value from search results.

Google project select

3. Enable Distance Matrix API for your given project

Enable matrix api

4. (Optional) If you don’t have a payment account connected to your Google developer account, you will be asked to connect to a new one.

Note: Google may bill you based on your usage of the API.
Google payment
5. Once Distance Matrix API is enabled, navigate to “Google Maps Platform” and “API & Services
google navigation
6. Enable “Geocoding API.” While on this page, you can also double-check that “Distance Matrix API” is also Enabled (you did this in Step 3 above).
enable google services

7. After ensuring you have Distance Matrix API and Geocoding API enabled, go to “Keys & Credentials” that is located in the left-side menu.


8. Create a new API Key by clicking on “CREATE CREDENTIALS” and “API Key”. When your API key is created, we encourage you to rename it to clearly indicate that it is being used in our application, e.g., ‘Shop Doctors Shipping.'”


Once you have the API Key, you can integrate the Google Maps API with your Advanced Shipping configuration in our UI.

9. Once you have the API Key from Google, copy the API Key (see screenshot above), navigate to and open our app, then go to “Advanced Shipping Calculator” and click “Advanced Shipping Settings”.

10. On the Advanced Shipping Settings page, scroll down to the “Distance Calculation Setting using Google Maps” section.

Gogole API credentials

11. Paste your API Key into the “Google API Key” input box.

12. Then choose either Distance by Radius or Distance by Road under Distance Calculation Mode and hit the Save button. To learn the difference between Distance by Radius and Distance by Road, read more below.

Difference between Distance Calculation Modes

Our application supports two types of distance calculations, “Distance by Road” and “Distance in Radius.”

  1. Distance by Road – We use Google Maps’ distance matrix to calculate distance between the origin address (where you’re shipping from) and destination address (where you’re shipping to). We use “Driving Mode,” which means we calculate the distance and estimated time of travel using driving routes and conditions. This mode takes into account the current traffic conditions, road types, and driving restrictions. It is suitable for getting the best route and travel time for vehicles on the road.
  2. Distance in Radius – In Distance in Radius calculation mode, the goal is to determine how far a point is in terms of straight-line radius from a center point (while factoring in the Earth’s curve).

    Components of the Calculation:
    Center Point: Origin address, this is the fixed reference point from which the distance is measured. It is specified by its coordinates (latitude, longitude). Our app uses Google API to get these coordinates.
    Target Point: Destination address, this is the point whose distance from the center point you want to calculate. It is also specified by its coordinates (latitude, longitude). Again, our app retrieves this data from Google’s API after the customer enters the address.
    Radius: This is the maximum distance from the center point within which the target point should lie to be considered “within the radius.”

We calculate radius distance using the Haversine Formula. This formula considers the distance between two points on the surface of a sphere, such as the Earth. By taking into account the curvature of the Earth, the Haversine Formula provides an accurate measurement of the shortest distance between two points specified by their latitude and longitude coordinates.

To change this setting go to “Advanced Shipping Calculator” and then to “Advanced Shipping Settings”. Then find the “Distance Calculation Setting using Google Maps” section and change value in “Distance Calculation Mode” field.

distance mode

How to use Distance Calculation in your Shipping Rule Conditions

Let’s say you want to create a shipping rule for customers who are within less than 50 miles from your warehouse location.

To create such a rule, go to the “Conditions” section and select “Location Distance” from under Condition Parameter.

condition location

Then specify the type of Condition Parameter Operator (equals, greater than, less than etc…).

In our example, since we want to create a shipping rule for customers within less than 50 miles, we’ll select “Less Than” under the Condition Parameter Operator. Then enter the distance in the input field, which is 50 miles. (see screenshot above)

The unit used for calculating the distance is specified in the distance field. You can change it in the General settings of the Shipping Rule. (see below)

distance unit

How to use Distance Calculation in Calculations

When configuring a Shipping Rule, you may want to base the rate calculation on the distance between the sender and the recipient.

To create such a rule, go to the “Shipping Rate Calculation” section and select either the “Tiered” or “Incremental” type. Only these two calculation types allow rate dependency based on distance. Then, in the “Select Calculation Parameter” field, choose the “Cart Distance” option. From this point, all rate calculation settings will be based on the distance calculated between the sender and the recipient

For example, suppose you want to create a shipping rule with a tiered rate that will charge the customer $5 for locations 0 to 50 miles from your origin warehouse, $10 for 50 to 100 miles distance, and $15 if the customer is more than 100 miles away.

To create such a rule, go to the “Shipping Rate Calculation” section and select “Tiered Rate” from under “Select Rate Type.” Then select “Cart Distance” under the “Select Calculation Parameter” field.

Select “Fixed Value” from the radio button options and put 0 as the Min value and 50 as a Max tiered value in the first tier.

Then build out your pricing tier table. Specify the Rate to be $5 in the first tier.

Then click “Add Tier” and populate the second tier with 50 miles as a Min, 100 as a Max, and $10 as the Rate.

Finally, add a third tier and put 100 in Min and put a “~” sign in the Max field. Set the Rate to be $15

See an example of a distance-based shipping rate configuration.

distance calculation

Important Note

Remember that for distance calculation, we use both the sender’s and receiver’s addresses.

By default the Address and City field is not enabled in our widget (Cart Summary & Expandable Calculator). We recommend enabling the City and Address fields in order to calculate the distance accurately. Otherwise, if the City and Address field is not enabled, the displayed shipping rate on cart for distance-based shipping rules may be different from the displayed shipping rate at checkout.

You can change this setting by navigating to “Cart Summary” => “Customize” => “All Available Options” => “Customize Calculator Fields & Button“

Cart summary widget configuration

widget customize

1. Navigate to settings

advenced widget settings

2. Click All Available Options

address field

3. Set up Address Placeholder Text and City/Suburb Placeholder Text

Expandable Calculator Widget

expandable widget

1. Go to Expandable Calculator widget customization page

second widget settings

2. Set up Address Placeholder Text and City/Suburb Placeholder Text


If you don’t see shipping rates based on the distance between the sender and the recipient on the checkout page or in the cart, or if your calculated rates do not match your expectations, check the following:

  1. Ensure that your Google API Key settings are correct, and verify your distance calculation settings.
  2. Verify that your cart widget, which allows for the calculation of the shipping rate, includes an address field. If it does not, you can enable this option in the widget settings.