Dr. Advanced Shipping

(Shopify) Why is the shipping fee displayed in the Cart Summary not the same as the shipping fee displayed at checkout?


(Shopify) Why is the shipping fee displayed in the Cart Summary not the same as the shipping fee displayed at checkout?

There can be a number of reasons why the shipping fee that’s displayed on cart can be different from what is displayed on Checkout.

Customer Data Is Not Available When Cart Shipping Rates Are Calculated

When shipping rates are calculated on the cart page, no customer data is provided to apps, whether the customer is logged in or not. This means that if you offer special shipping rates for specific customers, those rates won’t be visible until the customer reaches the checkout page.

Differences Between Cart and Checkout Destinations

It’s common to see differences in shipping rates between the cart and checkout pages. Here’s why that happens:

Location Accuracy

While the customer is on the cart page, their exact location isn’t fully known. The system detects their location using IP geolocation, which is generally accurate at the state level and fairly accurate at the city level, but it doesn’t pinpoint the zip/postal code.

Location Details

On the checkout page, the destination includes the full shipping address: country, state (if applicable), city, zip/postal code (if applicable), and one or two address lines. However, on the cart page, by default, only the country, state, and zip/postal code are considered. You can optionally enable fields for the city and address to be included in the Cart Summary and/or Expandable Calculator widgets by adjusting the app’s settings. While the city can sometimes be detected via IP geolocation, the address will only be used for cart shipping rates if the customer manually enters it in the widget before requesting the rates.
At checkout, the customer provides their actual shipping address, and the shipping rates are recalculated accordingly. If the destination used in the cart differs from the one entered at checkout, this can lead to differences in the shipping rates shown and the amounts calculated.

Differences Caused by Currency Rate Conversion

When shipping rates are shown on the cart page, Shopify provides them in the store’s default currency. If the cart is using a different currency, our app converts the shipping rates using the current conversion rate to display them in the active currency.

However, this can sometimes cause differences between the shipping rates shown on the cart and at checkout, for a few reasons:

  1. If the shipping rate is already in the active currency, Shopify first converts it to the default currency, and then our app converts it back to the active currency. This double conversion can lead to a difference in the amount displayed on the cart versus checkout.
  2. The conversion rate used on the cart might be slightly different from the one used at checkout, which can also cause minor variations in the shipping rates.
  3. Shopify can be set to round up amounts during currency conversion. If this is enabled, the shipping rates may be rounded up at checkout, but not on the cart, because our app doesn’t have access to this rounding setting.