Dr. Advanced Shipping

(Shopify) I accidentally deleted a shipping zone which also deleted the shipping rules in that zone, can I retrieve the deleted shipping rules?​


(Shopify) I accidentally deleted a shipping zone which also deleted the shipping rules in that zone, can I retrieve the deleted shipping rules?

If you’ve accidentally deleted a shipping zone in Shopify, which has resulted in the deletion of associated shipping rules, don’t worry. While you can’t directly retrieve the deleted shipping rules, there are steps we can take to help you recover your data.

What happens when you delete a shipping zone?

  1. When you delete a shipping zone in Shopify, it’s immediately removed from your Shopify dashboard.
  2. This deletion is then synchronized with our system, where the zone is marked as deleted.
  3. The associated shipping rules are also affected by this deletion.

Can I recreate the zone to get my rules back?

Unfortunately, simply recreating the zone in Shopify won’t automatically restore your shipping rules. Here’s why:

  • Even if you create a new zone with identical data, Shopify assigns it a new unique identifier.
  • Our system cannot automatically detect that this new zone is meant to replace the deleted one.

What can I do to recover my shipping rules?

The best course of action is to contact our support team as soon as possible. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Act quickly: We retain deleted data for a short period (typically 7 days) before it’s permanently removed from our database.
  2. Contact support: Reach out to our support team within this timeframe for the best chance of recovery.
  3. Provide details: Be ready to give information about the deleted zone and when it was deleted.

Our team will assess the situation and, if possible, migrate the data from the old zone to the newly created one.

Prevention tips

To avoid this situation in the future:
  • Double-check before deleting any shipping zones.
  • Use descriptive names for your shipping zones to avoid confusion.
  • Train your team on the importance of shipping zones and the potential impact of deletions.
Remember, we’re here to help. Don’t hesitate to contact our support team via our Live Chat if you encounter any issues with your shipping zones or rules.