Dr. Advanced Shipping

(Shopify) Can we sort the shipping rates so they can be displayed in a specific order?


(Shopify) Can we sort the shipping rates so they can be displayed in a specific order?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to manually change the sorting order of shipping rates during the checkout process on Shopify. The platform automatically manages how shipping rates are displayed to customers. Based on our observations, Shopify typically sorts these rates from the lowest to the highest price. However, we cannot guarantee that this sorting behavior will remain consistent in the future.

Shopify’s handling of shipping rates is intended to optimize the customer experience by showing them the most cost-effective options first. If you have specific preferences for the display order, it might be worth considering if adjustments to the pricing or names of the shipping methods could indirectly influence how they are presented. However, direct control over the order is not available at this time.

If Shopify introduces changes or new features that allow greater customization of shipping rate displays in the future, we will certainly explore those options to provide more flexibility to our clients.