Dr. Advanced Shipping

(Shopify) Carrier Backup Rate vs Global Backup Rate Explained


(Shopify) Carrier Backup Rate vs Global Backup Rate Explained

In the world of e-commerce and logistics, shipping rate calculations can be complex. Our Advanced Shipping Calculator app offers a robust solution with custom rate calculations and integration with external carriers. Two important features of this app are the Carrier Backup Rate and the Global Backup Rate. Let’s explore what these are and how they differ.

Carrier Backup Rate

The Carrier Backup Rate is a fallback option specific to individual carriers integrated into the Advanced Shipping Calculator. This rate comes into play when a particular carrier’s API fails to return any shipping rates.

Key Points:

  • Specific to each integrated carrier (e.g., DHL, UPS, USPS)
  • Activated when no rates are returned by the carrier’s API
  • Can be configured separately for each carrier
  • Multiple Carrier Backup Rates can be defined

Example Scenario:

Imagine you have shipping rules set up for both DHL and UPS. If neither of these carriers returns any rates for a particular shipment, but you have Carrier Backup Rates defined for both, the app will present two backup options to the user.

Global Backup Rate

The Global Backup Rate serves as the last resort in the shipping rate calculation process. It’s a universal fallback option that applies when no other shipping rules or carrier integrations produce a valid rate.

Key Points:

  • Applies across all shipping scenarios
  • Activated only when no other shipping rules (including Carrier Backup Rates) produce a result
  • There’s only one Global Backup Rate defined for the entire system

Example Scenario:

If none of your custom shipping rules (incremental, tiered, product-specific) or integrated carrier rates (including their backup rates) return a valid shipping option, the Global Backup Rate would be presented to ensure the user always has a shipping option available.

Key Differences

  1. Specificity:
    • Carrier Backup Rate: Specific to individual carriers
    • Global Backup Rate: Applies to the entire shipping system
  2. Activation Order:
    • Carrier Backup Rate: Triggered when a specific carrier fails to return rates
    • Global Backup Rate: Activated only after all other options (including Carrier Backup Rates) have failed
  3. Quantity:
    • Carrier Backup Rate: Multiple can be defined (one per carrier)
    • Global Backup Rate: Only one is defined for the entire system
  4. Purpose:
    • Carrier Backup Rate: Provides carrier-specific alternatives
    • Global Backup Rate: Ensures there’s always a shipping option available


Both the Carrier Backup Rate and Global Backup Rate are crucial features in the Advanced Shipping Calculator app. They work together to provide a seamless and reliable shipping rate calculation system, ensuring that users always have shipping options available, even when primary calculation methods or carrier integrations fail. By implementing these backup systems, e-commerce businesses can avoid lost sales due to shipping rate calculation errors and provide a smoother checkout experience for their customers.